- 疏于职守 slack one's duty.
- 他疏于回信。 He is slack in answering letters.
- 这位军官因疏于职守而被撤职。 The officer was dismissed from the service for neglect of duty .
- 误会常常源于疏于表达。 Misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression.
- 他疏于练习,输了这场比赛。 A: He lost the game because he was out of practice.
- 她因疏于看管孩子而受到斥责。 She was reprimanded for leaving the children unattended.
- 正因为你疏于质疑致令世界等侯. By not enquiring you keep the world waiting.
- 生疏的不用的或者疏于练习的,需要练习的 Out of use or practice;rusty.
- 绿泥是所有泥中吸收力最好的,对粉刺,过油和疏于保养的皮肤是理想的面膜。 Green clay is the most absorbent of all the clays and is ideal to use in face masks for the treatment of acne, oily and neglected skin.
- 爱不仅可以进入一颗百无禁忌的心,如果疏于防守的话,爱也可以进入设防周密的心。 Love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.
- 他们完全有能力用华语同他人沟通,不过,因为疏于练习,要用华文书写商业信件便力不从心。 They can hold their own in the spoken language, but would find it hard to compose a business letter in Chinese through lack of usage.