玻璃窗在冬天的夜晚很快就结上水汽。 The glass windows steam up quickly at night in winter.
透过飞船的玻璃窗,他们看到了眼前的月球:冰冷,洁白,美丽;而在月亮下面,他们看到了月亮部族! And through the window of the spaceship they saw the Moon before them, cold, white and beautiful; and under the Moon, there was the Moon colony!
那推销员说,如果我们安装双层玻璃窗的话,我们的暖气帐单就会完全不一样了。 The salesman said it would make all the difference to our heating bills if we installed double glazing.
我们的窗户有双层的玻璃窗框。 Our windows have double-pane sashes.