- 带纹亚属 Subgenus Beltranmyia
- 亚齿 secondary tooth(动)
- 羽纹亚纲 Pennales
- 环纹滚刀可以实现高效率的径向进给滚齿加工。 The ring teeth hob can realize high efficient radialfeedhobbing.
- 环 loop
- 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜 A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface.
- 环纹瓶孢囊菌 Ampullariella annulata
- 菌 germ
- 底纹 shading
- 齿 tooth
- 纹 line
- 圆钝齿菌 Radulum orbiculare
- 纹身 tattoo
- 平滑肉齿菌 Sarcodon laevigatum
- 它们在视野中物象周围,产生有色环纹。 And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.
- 它们在视野中物象周围,产生有色环纹。 And they produce colored fringes around objects in the field.
- 翘鳞肉齿菌粗多糖提取和抗肿瘤试验研究 Studies on Polysaccharose Extraction of Sarcodon imbricatus and Its Anticancer Test
- 格子图与环纹面的支撑树数的渐近定理 Asymptotic Enumeration Theorem for the Number of Spanning Trees in Grids and Tori
- 耙齿菌糖蛋白的提取分离、理化性质及抗炎活性。 The Extraction, Isolation, Physicochemical Properties and Anti-inflammation Activity of Irpex Lacteus Fr.
- 克菌丹,环己烯亚胺 Captan