- 特伦德伦伯卧位 Trend; Trendelenburg
- 伦伯透镜 Luneburg lens
- 分层伦伯透镜天线的辐射性能计算 Pattern Computation of Stepped-index Luneburg Lens Antenna
- 控股公司 holding company
- 芒特艾萨矿业控股公司 MIM Holdings Ltd. (澳大利亚)
- 用矢量球面波理论和互易原理分析伦伯透镜天线 Analysis of Luneburg Lens Antenna Using Spherical Vector Wave Method and Reciprocity Theorem
- 克里斯多佛?特伦顿先生1895年在英国伦敦成立了特伦顿公司, The Trenton Company was started by Sir Christopher Trenton in 1895 in London, England
- 荷兰特恩驰线缆控股公司 Dutch Twentsche Cable Holdings Company
- 它还拥有欧洲所有艺术流派的代表作,诸如伦伯朗、鲁本斯和19世纪法国大师的作品。 and it contains pictures representative of all European schools of art such as works by Rembrabdt, Rubens, and nineteenth century French masters.
- 税务局:是控股公司? Tax official: is it a equity controlled company?
- 特伦奇 trench
- 因此,经理人持有公爵少钱薪水,又少王国控股公司经理。 Thus, the duchy holding manager has less money for salaries, and also gives less to the kingdom holding manager.
- 特伦托会议 Trent, Council of
- 金融控股公司:加入WTO后我国金融业发展模式的现实选择 Share - holding Financial Company: A Realistic Choice of the Developmental Model of Chinese Financial Industry after Joining WTO
- 特伦顿阶 Trentonian (stage)
- 国有控股公司成为国家授权投资机构的可行性及其组织实施 Feasibility and implementation of State holding companies becoming State authorized investment organism
- 沃伦·特伦特满意地咕噜了一声。 Warren Trent gave a satisfied grunt.
- 控股公司,母公司 holding company
- 特伦大图书馆 View Full Version: Great Library of Telon
- SHV控股公司 SHV Holdings