- 口干舌燥 mouth parched and tongue scorched
- 燥风,哈马丹风一种沿非洲大陆西北岸吹送的干燥多沙的风 A dry, dusty wind that blows along the northwest coast of Africa.
- 急燥 sweat(ing)
- 秋燥 autumn-dryness disease
- 焦燥 fuss
- 鼻燥 rhinitis sicca
- 焙燥机 heater press
- 天气很热,凯感到口干舌燥。 It was hot and Kiah began to feel thirsty.
- 暴燥的人 snapper
- 乾燥剂. substance mixed with paint or varnish to make it dry more quickly
- 燥红土 dry red soil
- 外燥证 syndrome of exogenous dryness
- 内燥证 endogenous dryness syndrome
- 肾恶燥 the kidney being adverse to tryness; The kidney loathes dryness
- 燥剂 drying prescription
- 燥结 constipation
- 燥咳 irritating dry cough
- 燥漆 patent drier
- 燥气 pathogenic dryness
- 燥湿 eliminating dampness