- 如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。
If I don't go now, I will miss the train.
- 他们把火车的车厢连接好。
They coupled the carriages of the train together.
- 你拿到火车票了吗?
Have you got your train ticket?
- 火车缓缓地进站。
The train slowly came to the station.
- 她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。
She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye.
- 开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。
The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
- 那辆火车三点钟准时到达。
The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock.
- 火车仍在视线内。
The train is still in sight.