- 清夜扪心 examine one's conscience in the stillness of night -- self-examination
- 在今天,谁要是在团结两个字上不生长些诚意,他即使不被人唾骂,也当清夜扪心,有点儿羞愧。 Today,anyone who has not begun to have some genuine desire for unity ought to examine his conscience in the stillness of the night and feel some shame,even if no one else censures him.
- 使.澈夜未眠 To cost someone a sleepless night
- 扪心 examine one's conscience
- 扪心无愧 feel that one has not done anything wrong; feel no qualms upon self-examination; have a good conscience; One's heart is in the right place
- 白夜 white night
- 变心 cease to be faithful
- 不开心 bile
- 不眠夜 white night
- 詹澈 Zhan Che
- 莹澈的露珠 sparkling dewdrops
- 初夜 first night
- 质心 centroid
- 新版晶澈美白面膜 whitelight EX concentrated brighten-ing mask
- 不眠之夜 in the night watches
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 每夜 nightly
- 靶心 bull's eye
- 本心 conscience
- 病人通夜呻吟。 The sick man moaned all night.