- 教徒 follower of a religion
- 同心清真大寺 Great Mosque in Tongxin
- 伊斯兰教徒 Islamite
- 清真雅正 pure and refined
- 清真牛羊肉 Islamic beef and mutton
- 北京清真饮食文化与北京的清真餐饮业 The Culture of Muslim Diet and the Muslim Catering Trade in Beijing
- 印度教徒 Sikh
- 星盛斋清真饭庄清真爆肚山饭庄 Islamic Fried Pork Tripe Restaurant
- TFT高清真彩液晶屏,画面真实细腻 Screen of TFT high definition and true color, the picture is very true, fine and smooth
- 摩门教徒 Mormon
- 他想只要一个人慈善忠厚,谁也不会介意他是否是个教徒。 He thinks the world cares little whether a man is a churchman, so long as he is good and true.
- 伯明翰清真大寺古尔邦节礼拜时间。 Eid Al-Adha prayer times at Birmingham Central Mosque.
- 教会议会某些新教教会中管理当地教区的全体教徒的机构 A governing body of a local congregation in certain Reformed churches.
- 关于清真食品产业发展问题的几点思考和探索 Reflection and Analysis on the Problems about the Development of Muslim Food Industry
- 袄教徒 Magian
- 清代扬州清真饮食非常繁荣,清真菜成为淮扬菜系的一个重要组成部分。 Yangzhou Muslim food flourished in Qing Dynasty and was an important part of Huaiyang Cuisine Style.
- 阿拉维派教徒 Alawite
- 你是国教教徒还是非国教教徒? Are you church, or chapel?
- 阿比尔派教徒的 Albigensian
- 与此同时,他们还会学着处理自己的感情、分清真爱和迷恋、以及避免婚前性行为潜在的消极后果。 At the same time they learn to handle their emotions, to distinguish true love from infatuation and to avoid the potentially negative consequences of premarital sex.