- 约翰 巴里海军准将 Commodore John Barry
- 被里根总统授予海军准将的军衔。 Was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan.
- 后来,1853年,海军准将佩里率领的四艘美国战舰来到日本,拒不离开。 Then in 1853 came four American warships under Commodore Perry, and refused to be driven away.
- 海军准将牌汽车 Commodore
- 队长 captain
- 十八世纪美国海军准将泼莱率领舰队驶抵日本恢复对外贸易间接促成明治维新改革。 Isolation till Commodore Perry appears and( indirectly) precipitates the Meiji restoration.
- 海上船队或商船船队的队长 The senior captain of a naval squadron or merchant fleet.
- 副队长 lieutenant
- 准将 brigadier
- 船队队长 commodore
- 护航的运输船队 a convoy of transport ships
- 他是一位退役的海军军官。 He is a retired naval officer.
- 那足球队长是该校的大人物。 The football captain was the mogul of the school.
- 军舰将护送船队。 Warships will accompany the convoy.
- 上校级别低于准将。 A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.
- 我儿子在海军里。 My son is in the navy.
- 她以当学校啦啦队队长而自豪。 She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.
- 我们随小船队漫游了爱琴海。 We go flotilla cruise in the aegean.
- 队长命令士兵们排队集合。 The captain ordered the men to fall in.
- 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。 Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander.