- 抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds
- 公司 corporation
- 无抵押公司债券 [经] debenture bonds
- 试论我国的浮动抵押制度 On Floating Charge System in Our Country
- 财团抵押与浮动抵押之比较研究 Comparative study of financial mortgage and floating mortgage
- 不动产抵押公司债券 real estate mortgage bonds; real estate mortgage bonds
- 浮动抵押制度的优缺点与立法构架探讨 Advantages and Defects of Floating-charge System and Legislative Discussion
- 航空公司 airline company
- 债券 bond
- 浮动 (v) float and drift
- 保险公司 insurer
- 1870年,英格兰衡平法院以判例的形式确立了浮动抵押制度,之后为许多国家接受。 In 1870, England balance court established floating charge system with the judicial precedent, and then many nations accepted it.
- 存货抵押公司 field warehouse company
- 农地抵押公司 farm mortgage corporation; farm mortgage corporation
- 动产抵押公司债 collateral trust bond
- 第一抵押公司债 [经] first mortgage bond
- 第一次抵押公司债 first mortgage bond
- 联邦农场抵押公司 [经] federal farm mortage corporation
- [英]公司债券 debenture stock