- 酸把地毯烧了个洞。
The acid burnt a hole in the carpet.
- 猫一露面,老鼠急忙钻进自己的洞里。
The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.
- 水从洞口流出。
Water sluiced out of the hole.
- 他把墙撞出了一个大洞。
He knocked a big hole in the wall.
- 我的袜子上有个洞。
There is a hole in my sock.
- 老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。
The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese.
- 耗子在墙上啃了一个洞。
The rat gnawed a hole through the wall.
- 猫一动不动地等着老鼠出洞。
The cat remained motionless, waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole.