- 1979年,他以优异的成绩毕业于德国法兰克福的音乐学院。 He completed his studies in 1979,graduating with honors from the Musikhochschule Academy in Frankfurt,Germany.
- 他们将汇报煤焦油的试验情况。 They will report on the experiments with coal tar.
- 法兰克福呢? And Frankfurt?
- 他向总司令作了汇报。 He rendered a report to the commander-in-chief.
- 我会在法兰克福的新星酒店。 I will stay at New Star Hotel in Frankfurt.
- 汇报调查结果 report the findings of an investigation
- 法兰克福学派 Frankfurt School
- 运作汇报 Project Leader - Operationally reports to
- 如实汇报 give a true account of what happened; report to sb. on the actual situation
- 法兰克福书展 Frankfurt Book Fair
- 我将把你的话向工会汇报。 I shall be taking this to the union you know.
- 请问我们到达法兰克福时,当地是什么时间? What is the local time when we arrive at Frankfurt?
- 我希望你定期向我汇报。 I expect regular periodical reports from you.
- 我很高兴来到法兰克福。 I am delighted to be here in Frankfurt.
- 法兰克福派 Frankfort School
- 他把整个事件向副总理作了汇报 He reports on the whole event to the vice premier
- 伤寒最新汇报 Update on Typhoid fever situation
- 英格兰队在法兰克福仅凭对手的乌龙球1-0小胜而幸运出线。 England were fortunate to emerge with a 1-0 win in Frankfurt, relying on an early own goal by its opponent.
- 他们总是不定期地汇报工作。 They always report back on their work without day.
- 可以装法兰克福香肠的长条面包。 a long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter.