- 青年母猪产后乏情的防治 Control of postpartum anestrus in young sows
- 母猪产后食欲不振的原因与治疗 Causes and Treatment of Anorexia of Sows after Farrowing
- 法乐三联症 F3; trilogy of Fallot
- 头孢拉定对母猪产后肺炎的疗效试验 Effects of Cefradine on Post Partum Pneumonia of Sow
- 腰椎退变三联症 The Trilogy of Lumbar Vertebral Degeneration
- 母猪产后泌乳障碍综合征研究进展 The Study of Sows' PPDS
- 丝虫病三联症 Friess-Pierrou syndrome
- 症 obstruction of bowels
- 产后 post partum
- 赫金森氏三联症 Hutchinsons triad
- 母猪产后药物处理子宫提高发情与受胎试验 Experiment on Increasing Estrus Rate and Pregnant Rate by Drug-treating Uterus of Sow Post Partum
- 自闭症 infantile autism
- 忧郁症 (psychology) depression
- 精神分裂症 schizophrenia
- 微生态制剂-宫康素预防控制母猪产后产道炎症及提高母猪繁殖性能临床试验初报 Experiment Report of Probiotic-Gong Kang Su Prevention and Control Sow Uteritis and Improvement of Reproductivity
- 恐高症 acrophobia
- 毛囊闭塞三联症 follicular occlusion triad
- 产后的 puerperal
- 健忘症 amnesia
- 产后抑郁症 postpartum depression