- 殖产兴业 Shokusann kougyou
- 体殖产孢的 thallic
- 芽殖产孢的 blastic
- 产 property
- 殖产兴业政策是日本明治政府为学习西方,实现本国经济现代化而制定的经济政策,它的成功推行使日本在短短1/4个世纪左右的时间里初步实现经济现代化。 Industry Breeding and Business Initiating Policy is a kind of economic one, which made by Meiji Government, Japan, in order to learn from Western and to develop its economy to meet the modern times, and it took only a quarter of century to achieve its goal preliminarily by pursuing the Policy successfully.
- 殖 reproduce
- 试产 trial-produce
- 产成品 finished goods
- 量产 volume production
- 共产 communist
- 腐殖酸 humic acid
- 日产 daily output; current yield
- 原产 provenance
- 鱼鳖炽殖 Fish and turtle multiply
- 产率 productive rate
- 分殖造林 planting
- 产期 confinement
- 多产的 multiparous
- 原产国 country of origin
- 产科学 obstetrics