- 槭皂甙P acer saponin P
- 皂草苷P saponin P
- 槭皂甙 P acer saponin P
- 槭皂甙元 acerocin
- 皂苷 saponin(e)
- 异槭皂甙元 acerotin
- 而人参皂苷Re对LDH的漏出无影响(P>0.05)。 Results: SSNX and Sal B could inhibit lea l in a concentration dependently manner without altering the shape of the current-voltage (I-V) curve, reversal potential and the steady-state activation curve of lea l(P<0.05). DHC has no effect on ICa L(P>0.05).
- 脱乙酰壳多糖处理增加人参细胞皂苷的累积和皂苷合成关键酶基因的转录 Chitosan Treatment Raises the Accumulation of Saponin and the Transcriptional Level of Genes Encoding the Key Enzymes of Saponin Synthesis in Cultured Panax ginseng Cells
- 人参皂苷Rg_3与TRAIL联合应用对大肠癌细胞株HCE8693作用的实验研究 Tumor suppression activity of ginsenoside Rg3 combined with TRAIL gene on human colon cancer cell line HCE8693
- 知母皂苷能够显著提高糖尿病小鼠糖耐量,降低实验性糖尿病小鼠的空腹血糖。 Otherwise, SAAB increased the glucose tolerance and reduced fasting blood glouse of diabetic mice induced by ALX significantly.
- 人参皂苷 ginsenoside
- 皂苷A Saponin A
- 知母总皂苷可显著降低东莨菪碱模型大鼠脑皮质内AchE活力(P<0·01); SAaB antagonized the increase of AchE induced by scopolamine(P<0.01).
- 皂苷 P Saponin P
- 皂苷元 sapogenin
- 芰皂苷 gitonin
- 酯皂苷 Ester Saponin
- 总皂苷 total saponins
- 皂苷类 Saponins
- 茶皂苷 theasaponin