- 嚏根因 [医] hellebrin
- 所以,禅宗的心性本体论是中国美学偏于内向化、心灵化、偏于神韵、境界的追求的根因所在。 Therefore the Zen nature reality theory is the radicle cause of Chinese aesthetics prejudiced inner hearty verve and emrty taste.
- 因 reason
- 根 root
- 颈肌劳损综合征误诊颈椎病原因分析 Analysis of Misdiagnosis between Cervical Muscle Strain and Cervical Spondylopathy
- 浙江嘉兴地区1793例下消化道出血常见病因分析 The Common Causes of 1793 Cases with Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Jiaxing Area
- 一根 a length of
- 根据术中韧带断裂的部位和形态,结合伤因分析其受伤机制。 The mechanism of the injury was analyzed based on the site,cuntour, and cause of rupture of ICL.
- 根号 radical sign
- 根的 radicular
- 因公 on business
- 密歇根 Michigan
- 影响我国优秀散打运动员过早退役的基本因素及致因分析 An Analysis of Affecting Factors of Our Elite Sanda Athletes for Retiring Early
- 因病 due to illness; because of illness
- 落叶归根 in one's old age, one wants to return to one's home
- 归因 imputation
- 辣根 horseradish
- 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。 He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
- 因何 whereat
- 密西根 Michigan