- 月经 emmenia
- 月经期 menses
- 月经来潮 menses
- 那个寡妇十分贫困。 The widow was in distress.
- 月经不调 irregular menstruation
- 我们的目标是消灭贫困。 Our goal is to eliminate poverty.
- 月经期间 menstruate
- 让我们齐心协力来克服贫困和疾病。 Let us unite to fight poverty and disease.
- 月经的 menstrual
- 为了摆脱贫困的处境,他们需要政府的帮助。 To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government.
- 月经周期 menstrual cycle
- 她一生都过着贫困的生活。 She has lived in poverty all her life.
- 衣衫褴褛意味着贫困。 Ragged clothing infers poverty.
- 月经痛 cramp
- 救济贫困者。 Give to those that need.
- 来月经 in the period
- 甘霖表示中国开发生物能源不应忽视贫困弱势群体的需求。 Lin Gan warns that China's drive towards bioenergy should not overlook the poor.
- 是贫困迫使她卖淫。 It was poverty that reduced her to prostitution.
- 月经失调 menstrual disorder
- 勉强过着极为贫困的生活 Eke out a living at an extremely low economic level