- "你的律师应该告诉你犯了个大错误。" "他告诉我了。他说是对的,但我认为我比他更清楚。 "Your lawyer should have told you you were making a big mistake." "He did, and he never said a truer word. But I thought I knew better."
- 我认为我是对的,尽管对于这一点我说不出确切的法律依据。 I think I'm right, though I can't cite you chapter and verse what the law says on this point.
- 假如你是对的,就像个男子汉般辩论吧;假如你是错的,就像个女人般争辩吧。 If you are in the right, argue like a man; if you are in the wrong, like a woman.
- 这个实验表明我们已经得到的结果是对的。 The experiment led up to the fact that the result we had got was right.
- 他等待着用他的行动来证明他的话是对的。 He waited to justify his words by his actions.
- 我拨的号是对的,但没有人接电话。 I dialed the right number, but nobody answered.
- 当董事长说到数字没加到一起时,他是对的。 The chairman was right when he said the figures did not add up.
- 结果证明哥伦布认为地球是圆的这一论点是对的。 Columbus's contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.
- "你一定是对的,先生,"约翰恭顺地说道。 "You must be right, Sir," said John humbly.
- 她无可奈何地得出结论,承认我是对的。 She reluctantly came to the conclusion that I was right.
- 如果我认为某一件事是对的,我就会不顾一切后果地去做。 If I thought a thing was right, I should do it, without regard to consequences.
- 我一定支持你,因为我认为你是对的。 I will back you up because I think you right.
- 我检查了你的答案,没有一个是对的。 I have checked your answer and none of them is correct.
- 无神论者和宗教人士似乎都是对的。 Both the atheist and the religionist seem to be right.
- 在发达地区和相对欠发达地区搞经济协作区,这是对的。 It is right to establish economic cooperation between developed and less developed areas.
- 他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的。 His appreciation of her chances of getting the promotion was correct.
- 你的答案不对,但你的方法是对的。 You don't have the right answer,but you're on the right lines.
- 显然,他认为不按我们的劝告来办此事是对的。 Apparently he thought fit not to follow our advice in the matter.
- "你是对的,嬷嬷,爱伦小姐是对的。 "You're right, Mammy. Miss Ellen is right.
- 他错了,但并不能由此推断你是对的。 He is wrong, but it does not follow that you are right.