- 这个剧作家受到了本国人民的尊敬。
The dramatist was respected by people in his country.
- 他很敬佩他的父亲。
He has a great respect for his father.
- 这位教士受到所有村民的尊敬。
This clergyman is respected by all the villagers.
- 这位市议员受到市民的敬重。
The alderman was respected by the citizens.
- 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
He commands the respect of all who know him well.
- 我敬佩他的勤奋。
I respect him for his diligence.
- 她是个受人尊敬的已婚妇女。
She is a respectable married woman.
- 我深深敬佩她的勇气。
I deeply respect her courage.