- 优化政府收入预算管理的思考 Thinking On Optimizing Governmental Revenue Budget Management
- 预算草案 drafted budget
- 总预算草案 drafted general budget
- 收入预算数 estimate revenue
- 预算 budget
- 现金收入预算 [经] cash collection schedule
- 草案 draft
- 收支预算草案 estimated expenditures and revenue
- 年度收入预算 budget for annual receipts
- 完善我国政府非税收入预算管理的思考 The Improvement of the Non-tax Revenue Budget Management in China
- 全家人靠他微薄的收入过活。 The whole family lived on his slender earnings.
- 决议草案 draft resolution
- 他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。 Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket.
- 国会预算草案 congressional budget
- 托尼的花费超出其收入。 Tony lives beyond his income.
- 草案已通过审议。 The draft cleared the council.
- 这个计划使你能通过固定的月收入预算花费。 Scheme enables you to budget the cost through fixed monthly payments.
- 纳税人:什么是以支出换算收入? Taxpayer: what do you mean by the method of derivation?
- 增加收入。 augment one's income
- 各项收入栏中的不吻合情况仍有待解释。 A discrepancy in the miscellaneous earnings column remains unaccounted for.