- 日子快到了,我们还没准备好搬家。
As D-day approached we still weren't ready to move house.
- 我们十分留恋这所房子,真舍不得搬家。
We've grown very attached to this house and would hate to move.
- 是你说他们要搬家吗?我也听到过这样的话。
Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself.
- 我们搬家弄得孩子们不得安宁。
Our move (ie to another house) unsettled the children.
- 不久我们搬家了,不得不把宠物送人。
Before long our family moved and had to give the pet away.
- 我们还没有告诉我们的朋友我们搬家到伦敦了。
We haven't told our friends about our removal to London.
- 你别指望我说搬家就搬家。
You can't expect me to move my home at the drop of a hat.
- 咱们考虑一下搬家的利弊吧。
Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.