- 这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设施。
The center provides facilities for a whole range of leisure activities.
- 我们提供免费服务。
We provide gratis service.
- 这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。
The company will provide the sports outfits for all the players.
- 这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。
The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
- 在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city.
- 他主动提供帮助。
He is spontaneous to offer help.
- 只有这家旅店提供免费乘车去机场的服务。
A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.
- 碳水化合物给我们的身体提供热量和能量。
Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy.