在这么小的公寓里养一条象阿尔萨斯的大狼狗真是麻烦,当你拿着一盘玻璃杯时,它似乎老是挡道。 The trouble with having a big dog like an Alsatian in a small flat is that it always seems to be in the road when you are carrying a tray of glasses.
她手里拿着一本书。 She had a book in her hand.
我刚刚坐下,服务小姐就拿着一个菜单向我走来。 No sooner had I sat down than the waitress came to me with a bill of fare.
如果你拿着地图指路,我就来开车。 I'll drive the car if you hold the map and navigate.