- 抗毒血清,抗毒素包含对一种或多种抗原的特异抗体的人体或动物血清
Human or animal serum containing antibodies that are specific for one or more antigens.
- 细胞溶素一种能溶解或破坏细胞的物质,如抗体
A substance, such as an antibody, capable of dissolving or destroying cells.
- 同种抗体;同族抗体由与抗原相同的种类产生的或衍生的抗体,由它对该抗原作出反应
An antibody produced by or derived from the same species as the antigen with which it reacts.
- 我们的身体能产生抗体以抵抗疾病。
Our bodies produce antibodies to counteract disease.