- 他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。
He ate the plum, and threw the core away.
- 我拿起了那把刀,把它扔到了窗外。
I picked up the knife and threw it out of the window.
- 看到他在挣扎,我给他扔了一个救生圈过去。
I threw a life buoy to him when I saw his struggling.
- 我往火里扔了一根木炭。
I threw a stick of charcoal in the fire.
- 他向湖里扔了一块石头。
He threw a stone into the lake.
- 他的衣服扔得到处都是。
His clothes were just thrown down anyhow.
- 把那块腐烂的肉扔掉,不能再吃了。
Throw that tainted meat away; it's not edible.