- 希腊总理访问上海 Greek Prime Minister visits Shanghai
- 中国总理访问法国 Chinese Premier visit to France
- 中国总理访问非洲以加强非中关系 Chinese Premier in South Africa to 'Deepen' Ties
- 总理 prime minister
- 客人们邀请总理访问他们的国家,总理愉快地答应了。 The guest invited the premier to visit their country and he happily promise.
- 阿卡耶夫总统首先对李鹏总理访问吉尔吉斯共和国表示热烈欢迎。 President Akayev firstly expressed a warm welcome Premier Peng Li visiting the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
- 副总理 vice-premier
- 在温总理访问期间,双方签署了有关卫生,文化和电信方面的合作协议。 During Wen's visit, he and Fox signed cooperation accords on health, culture and telecommunications.
- 他打算访问台北。 He purposes to visit Taipei.
- 其中,作为主要接待机构之一,熊晓鸽在波士顿参与组织了欢迎朱总理访问的盛大宴会。 As a major host, Hugo Shong participated in the organization of the huge banquet held to welcome Premier Zhu Rongji in Boston.
- 上星期法国总统访问了我国。 The president of France visited our country last week.
- 周总理 Premier Zhou
- 他们渴望有机会访问上海。 They long for a chance to visit Shanghai.
- 国务院总理 Premier, State Council
- 他们有时去访问贫民窟。 Sometimes they go slumming.
- 他的访问为达成协议铺平了道路。 His visit paved the way for an agreement.
- 对这位总理来说,迫在眉捷的问题是刺激经济快速增长。 The chancellor's immediate problem is to give the economy a quick shot in the arm.
- 我们在伦敦逗留期间访问了白金汉宫。 During our stay in London, we visited Buckingham Palace.
- 我们敬爱的总理的逝世使得全国罩上了一层悲伤的气氛。 The death of our beloved premier cast a gloom over the whole country.
- 她有时来访问我们。 She comes to visit us sometimes.