- 思 to think
- 捷 quick
- 环球 worldwide
- 胡思乱想 let one's imagination run away with one
- 环球时报 Global Times
- 三思 think carefully
- 环球网 World Wide Web
- 对这位总理来说,迫在眉捷的问题是刺激经济快速增长。 The chancellor's immediate problem is to give the economy a quick shot in the arm.
- 冥思苦想 contemplate
- 环球旅行 travel round the world
- 我思故我在 ego cogito ergo sum(拉丁原文)
- 环球影城 Universal Studios
- 我们队每战皆捷。 Our team wins every time.
- 胡思乱想的 cranky
- 跳一支捷格舞 dance a jig
- 不思进取 make no attempt to make progress
- 环球的 round-the-world
- 廉价捷运 cheap & rapid transit
- 客轮正在做环球航行。 The liner is making a round-the-world cruise.
- 雅思考试 IELTS examination