众院议长赖特向总统当选人布什掷下预算挑战书,要总统当选人布什必须决定增税或削减军费,否则国会就要越俎代疱。 House Speaker Jim Wright yesterday threw down the budget gauntlet before President-elect George Bush, telling him he must decide whether to raise taxes or reduce military spending or Congress will do it for him.
星期六克林顿在这里的沙滩上跑步,偶然遇到一伙晒得红红的加利福尼亚青年打排球。总统当选人跟他们一起玩了一会儿。 Running along the beach here Saturday, Bill Clinton came upon a volley ball game, a group of bronzed young Californians at play. The president-elect briefly joined in.