- 当代艺术,从何著手? What Can We Do About Contemporary Art?
- 著手 leadoff
- 守拙觅真以艺进道--从孙政学先生的水彩画看中国当代艺术 Going into the truth and disclosing the central intention of art--dwelling on Chinese modern art on the base of Chinese watercolor art of SUN Zheng-xue
- 著 outstanding
- 收藏加拿大艺术、当代艺术、印第安人艺术和装饰艺术。 Canadian art, contemporary art, Amerindian art, and decorative arts.
- 她希望找到生父,但不知道从何找起。 She wants to find her donor father but does not know how.
- 得手 go smoothly
- 从那时起 from then on
- 伸出手 reach
- 当代艺术,特别是这个世纪的艺术,已经选择了颠覆传统。 Contemporary art especially the art of this century, has chosen to overthrow tradition.
- 穿著 wear
- 从何说起? What shall I say? or What's there to say?
- 买手 bull
- 从根本上 fundamentally
- 门把手 doorknob
- 从去年 since last year
- 西方当代艺术 contemporary western art
- 捕手 catcher
- 从不同的角度 at a different angle
- 从零开始 from scratch