- 床头上有一个长枕垫。
There is a bolster across the head of the bed.
- 我想买一个新床单。
I want to buy a new bed linen.
- 我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。
I got out of the bed and had a good stretch.
- 我的小狗一听到打雷就藏到床底下。
My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.
- 我们很晚才上床。
We went to bed late.
- 我要去给我的床买个新床垫。
I'll go to buy a new mattress for my bed.
- 他把孩子抱到床上去。
He picked the child up bodily and carried it to bed.
- 你能给我安置一个床铺过夜吗?
Can you give me a bed for the night?