- 一年复始,万象更新。 As the new year begins, let us also start anew.
- 在同一块地里不要年复一。 Do not plant rice year after year in the same field.
- 祖母绿的绿是生命和春天的色彩,年年复始。 The green of the emerald is the colour of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again.
- 增长率 growth rate
- 到那年复天结束时,许多工人都瘦得不成样子了。 By the end of that summer,many workers were worn to a shadow of themselves.
- 万年 all ages
- 年中 midyear
- 流年 fleeting time
- 复选框 check box
- 经济增长率 economic growth rate
- 四年 four years
- 多年来 for the past many years
- 复变函数 complex function
- 复检 recheck
- 几十年 several tens of years
- 复得 regain
- 年金 rente
- 复选 Multi
- 年少 juniority
- 一年半 a year and a half