- 主人!我们今天又大干一票了! Master! We had another great haul today!
- 主人!!我们今天又大干一票了! Master!!We had another great haul today!
- 再者,正如杰克逊先生屡次指出的。黑人选民并非理所当然地一定投我一票。 Further, as Mr.Jackson repeatedly points out, black voters cannot be taken for granted.
- 每干一件工作他都充分和社员商量。 He consults fully with the commune members on each job to be done.
- 开票 make out an invoice
- 又来了?你真认为他们打算在游戏结束后再让我们干一次? Again? You think they're going to spring it on us later that the games are real?
- 一人一票 one man one vote
- 你要是跟南茜小姐跳舞,我儿子高德夫雷可要跟你干一场了。 My son Godfrey'll be wanting to have a round with you if you run off with Miss Nancy.
- 这个政客竟厚颜地要求受过他侮辱的人投他一票。 The politician had the effrontery to ask the people he had insulted to vote for him.
- 让我们为了过去的好时光干一杯友谊的酒。 We will take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.
- 每名选民可投一票,支持一份参选名单。 An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list.
- 有些人仍然愿意老老实实干一天活,可却要求获得一个星期的报酬。 People are still willing to do an honest day's work. The trouble is they want a week's pay for it.
- 让我去把另外那一票也为你争取过来吧,我尽力办到。” Rely on me to procure you the other; I will do my best."
- 那个工人一辈子只干一种活,即旋紧冷酷无情的装配线上第999号螺丝钉。 The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line.
- 但他说,美国队以一票决定向缅甸人民表示我们不会忘记你。 But he said the United States decided to force a vote to assure the Burmese people that we won't forget you.
- 那个工人一辈子只干一种活,即旋紧冷酷无情的装配线上第999号螺丝钉。 The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line.
- 加拿大公民在联邦选举时投何人的票投国会议员候选人一票。 Who do Canadians vote for in a federal election Canadians vote for a candidate of their choice to be the Member of Parliament in a federal election.
- 乱干一场的想法,只是玩弄游击战争,或者是游击战争的外行。 Any idea that guerrilla warfare can be conducted in haphazard fashion indicates either a flippant attitude or ignorance of guerrilla warfare.
- 只要多一票他就能当选了。 hang up 挂断,拖延,把 ... 挂起来 His election hangs on one vote.
- 杰克今天因病告假,我们得找人替他干一天。 We must find someone to take the place of Jack today because he reported sick.