- 重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础。
These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry.
- 预测电子工业的前途一片大好。
The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.
- 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion.
- 开战以来,这一工业的生产每况愈下。
Since the war the industry has gradually languished.
- 这种新材料是航天工业的副产品。
This new material is a spin-off from the space industry.
- 由于电脑工业的发展,许多新公司纷纷成立。
The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies.