- 你的屋顶是否有一个陡峭的斜面?
Has your roof a sharp slant?
- 他们给了我修理屋顶的报价单。
They gave me a quotation for mending the roof.
- 屋顶上风声飒飒。
The wind was whispering in the roof.
- 雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。
Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.
- 校舍的屋顶上覆盖着积雪。
The roof of the schoolhouse is covered with snow.
- 我家的屋顶是用木瓦铺的。
The roof of our house is covered by shingles.
- 从他阁楼的窗子望出去,他看到一大片屋顶。
From his attic window he looked out over a wilderness of roofs.
- 那栋旧房子的屋顶塌下了。
The roof of the old house caved in.