- 木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸,立刻估计出它的大小。
The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
- 三英尺为一码。
Three feet make one yard.
- 雪深两英尺。
The snow is two feet in depth.
- 这段消防水管大约有60英尺长。
This fire hose is about sixty feet long.
- 龙卷风是一种猛烈的旋风,其直径从几码到1300英尺。
Tornadoes are violent whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet.
- 我估计房间的长度为10英尺。
My estimate of the length of the room was 10 feet.
- 这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺。
The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.
- 他提醒我别忘了带尺子。
He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler.