她把画儿上的一小部分擦乾净了。 She cleaned a small segment of the painting.
他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的。 The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory.
他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。 He got a small quotient of his father's property.
我送你的礼物,只代表了我对你感情的一小部分而已。 The gift I gave you represents only a fraction of my feelings for you.
只有一小部分死掉的生物在开始腐烂前,或者更可能的情况是,在食腐动物吃掉它们之前如此地保存起来。 A small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them.