- 这小屋是用木板建造的。
The hut was made out of pieces of wood.
- 他跳下马,径直朝小屋走去。
He jumped off the horse and went straight into the hut.
- 在营地,男孩们不得不自己打扫小屋。
At camp, the boys have to do up their own cabins.
- 我们听到雨滴滴答答打在小屋的顶上。
We heard the rain spattering down on the roof of the hut.
- 蔓藤环绕着小屋。
Vines embraced the hut.
- 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。
His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill.
- 这间小屋最多能容纳5个人。
The cottage could accommodate up to five people.
- 这间小屋用一条扁平的石头做门槛。
The cabin has a flat stone for a threshold.