- 你妈妈是个乐呵呵的容易相处的人。
Your mother is a jolly, easy-going woman.
- 通过这条很滑的路并不容易。
Negotiation of the slippery road was not easy.
- 这次考试比较容易。
The exam was relatively easy.
- 这首曲子容易弹奏,所以人们都乐于弹奏它。
The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play.
- 掌握一门外语并不容易。
It's not easy to master a foreign language.
- 记住你告诉我的话并不容易。
It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.
- 做这件事是容易的。
It is easy to do this.
- 来得容易,去得快。
Easy come, easy go.