- 镇上有些所谓的娱乐,但与城里的截然不同。
The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city.
- 这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。
The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements.
- 他连温饱都无法解决,就更不用说娱乐了。
He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
- 有些只不过是被当作娱乐而不予考虑。
Others are dismissed as nothing more than entertainment.
- 我们学校里几乎没有什么娱乐设施。
There are few recreational facilities in our school.
- 那个镇上几乎没有娱乐设施。
There are few entertainments in that town.
- 象棋是他最喜欢的娱乐活动。
Chess is his favorite diversion.
- 电视提供大众化的娱乐。
Television provides universal entertainment.