这房子本来的主人是威灵顿公爵。 The original owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington.
那场战斗的前夜,威灵顿沿一条长长的山脊背后占据了一个防守阵地。 The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
可是有一样,威灵顿公爵军队里的英国人买东西向来不欠账,他们究竟是来自小店主之国,所以买东西从来不会忘记付钱。 But it may be said as a rule that every Englishman in the Duke of Wellington's army paid his way. The remembrance of such a fact surely becomes a nation of shop-keepers.