他说,可是在大西洋城,“没钱一切免谈”。一旦债台高筑,无法翻身,希望随之破灭。 But in Atlantic City, he said, "you're only as good as your last dollar." When losses mounted beyond all possibility of recovery, the bubble burst.
大西洋城价值十亿元的泰姬玛哈的命运吉凶未卜。昨天深夜特朗普分秒必争地与债权人达成协议,以解除他规模庞大的赌博酒店被迫破产的厄运。 The fate of the billion-dollar Taj Mahal in Atlantic City hung in the balance late last night as Donald Trump raced to clinch a deal with bondholders aimed at staving off an involuntary bankruptcy for his giant casino hotel.