- 最新型号的飞机把飞越大西洋所需的时间减少了一半。
The latest planes have halved the time needed for crossing the Atlantic.
- 飞机在大西洋中部飞行时,其中一个发动机出了故障。
One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
- 这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。
This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean.
- 他们花了好几天的时间穿越大西洋。
It took them several days to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
- 是谁首先横渡大西洋?
Who first navigated the Atlantic Ocean?
- 首次飞跃大西洋是一项了不起的业绩。
Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.
- 运兵船被护送渡过大西洋。
The troop ships were convoyed across the Atlantic.
- 大西洋上空的低气压通常给英国带来恶劣的天气。
A depression over the Atlantic usually brings bad weather in Britain.