中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。 China does a lot of trade with many countries.
塑料在许多方面得到了应用:餐具是其中一例,机器部件是另一例。 Plastics have found wide applications in many ways: dishes for one, machine parts for another.
从许多方面说,这对可怜的演员们都是不幸的,这要求他们夜复一夜地重复相同的台词。 In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night.
从许多方面讲,小孩子可以说是生活在一个跟成人不同的世界里。 In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults.
事实上,我们需要在许多方面进行改进。 As a matter of fact, we need to make improvement in many aspects.