- 出生登记证明书 Certificate of Registration of Birth
- 有关豁免登记证明书与智能身份证主要分别的详情,请按 For details on the main differences between a Certificate of Exemption and a smart identity card, please click
- 外国人 foreigner
- 获签发豁免登记证明书的人士无须依照换证计划换领新身份证。 Any person who is issued with a Certificate of Exemption need not apply for a smart Identity card under the Replacement Exercise.
- 倘若豁免登记证明书持有人日后健康状况好转,可否再申领智能身份证? Can the holder of Certificate of Exemption apply for a smart identity card later when his health improves?
- 证明书 certificate
- 豁免登记证明书持有人须持有有效旅行证件,例如回港证或护照,进出香港。 The holder of a Certificate of Exemption should use a valid travel document, for example, a re-entry permit or passport for travelling.
- 他不信任外国人。 He has a distrust of foreigners.
- 我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境。 We deport aliens who slip across our borders.
- 皇帝下令将所有外国人驱逐出境。 The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled.
- 对大多数外国人来说,美国的教育制度是一种复杂难懂的东西。 The American educational system is a Chinese puzzle to most of the foreigners.
- 诊断证明书 certificate of diagnosis
- 他们不愿意登记入伍。 They were unwilling to register for the draft.
- 这项规定不适用于外国人。 This rule is not applicable to foreigners.
- 银行资信证明书 banker's reference
- 秘书登记了我们的名字。 The secretary enrolled our names.
- 有些外国人容易被我们的生活方式同化。 Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.
- 原产地证明书 certificate of origin
- 图书馆员迅速地把这些新书登记于图书目录。 The librarian had these new books promptly accessioned.
- 他对所有的外国人都有偏见。 He has a prejudice against all foreigners.