- 我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。
We must find a place for this new picture.
- 这个地方笼罩在神秘气氛下,继续使游览者着迷。
The place continues to fascinate visitors, cloaked in its mystery.
- 那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出。
The place is marked on the map with a cross.
- 我从来没有在一个地方长住过,一定是我性格中有吉普赛人的特性。
I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in me.
- 海鸟每年都要从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方。
Seabirds will fly from here to another place for migration every year.
- 在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。
I don't feel at ease in the strange place.
- 这个地方脏极了,我不相信有人能住在这。
This place is filthy; I don't believe anyone can live here.
- 这个地方的名声可不太好。
This place doesn't have a very savoury reputation.