将车票磁卡引进纽约市地下铁路的漫长而困苦旅程上又有变化。因而一位负责交通事务的主管官员说:本市终于可以推进一项很多其他主要城市已经具备的科技。 The long, tortuous road to bringing magnetic fare cards to the New York City subways took another turn yesterday, leading to a top transportation official to say that the city can finally move forward with a technology that is already in place in many other major cities.
一些外国公司应邀参加了承建该地下铁路的投标。 Foreign companies were invited to bid for the new subway.
几十万地下铁路、公共汽车以及通勤铁路的乘客,还有自己开车的人,在傍晚下班时交通将受耽搁,警察和救火队员知道那些人将会怪罪他们。 The cops and firefighters knew they might take heat from the hundreds of thousands of subway, bus and commuter line riders, as well as motorists, who would be delayed in the evening rush.
市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。 The city subway carry hundreds of thousands of passenger a day.