- 艾伦在学校里总受欺负。
Alan's always getting scragged at school.
- 她在学校里与几个女同学建立起亲密的友谊。
At school she formed a close friendship with several other girls.
- 他在学校总打架。
He was always scrapping at school.
- 你在学校里学自然科学吗?
Do you do science at school?
- 你总是在学校吃午饭吗?
Do you always eat lunch at school?
- 他在学校里受到大孩子的欺负。
He was bullied by the older boys at school.
- 自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。
We've been friends ever since we met at school.
- 玛丽在学校从不参加体育活动。
Mary never played games at school.