卢尔德法国西南部比利牛斯山脚下的一个城镇,以罗马天主教的圣地而闻名。这个圣地传统是1858年圣母玛利亚出现在圣伯纳前的地方。人口17,425 A town of southwest France at the foot of the Pyrenees. It is noted for its Roman Catholic shrine marking the site where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette in1858. Population, 17,425.
圣地朝圣者中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记 A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.
这个地区由于宗教上的纪念意义而被视为圣地。 This area was hallowed by sacred memories.
朝圣者,朝觐者旅行到神殿或圣地去的宗教虔诚者 A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place.