- 这动物嗅觉灵敏弥补了视力之不足。
The animal's good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
- 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。
Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
- 味觉与嗅觉是密切相关的。
Taste and smell are closely connected.
- 那条狗嗅出远处有兔子。
The dog smelt the rabbit a long way off.
- 受过特殊训练的狗能嗅出毒品。
Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs.
- 鱼有嗅觉吗?
Can fish smell?
- 那条狗在树根处嗅来嗅去。
The dog was snuffling around the roots of a tree.
- 这些狗有非常敏锐的嗅觉。
These dogs have a marvelous sense of smell.