- 王 king
- 周 lap
- 幽王立即叫司库每日取出百匹彩绢,供她撕裂。 So King You ordered his minister in charge of the state warehouse to provide one hundred bolts of colourful silk each day for Baosi to tear up as she pleased.
- 幽王觉得这个办法不错,就兴师动众陪褒姒游骊山。 The king thought this a good idea. So he got together a large retinue and set off for Mount Li with Baosi.
- 幽王令人发话: “京中无事,招你们来是让褒姒看看热闹。” The king then sent a man to tell the princes that nothing unusual had happened and that he had only summoned them to amuse Baosi.
- 一周 one week
- 下周 next week
- 众诸侯至骊山,不见敌情,但见高阁上鼓乐齐鸣,升平歌舞,幽王和褒姒正在饮酒作乐。 On arriving there, however, they saw no sign of enemy movement. Instead, there was a great deal of joyous singing and dancing in the towering residence of the king where he and Baosi were indulging themselves in a hilarious carousal.
- 周三 Wednesday
- 幽 quiet
- 本周 this week; the current week
- 周一 Monday
- 周二 Tuesday
- 王座 throne
- 为王 regally
- 周线 contour
- 幽冥 the nether world
- 幽兰 orchid
- 王的 regnal
- 他答应本周内还钱。 He promised to pay back this week.